Alibi Cloud VS Success Story - Residential Police Officer

September 17th, 2020

Learn how one busy police officer looked to Alibi Cloud VS for an off-premise security solution, and how it provided him with greater cost-savings and security than a traditional system could offer. 

The Client 

Five years ago, Ronald, a police officer in West Virginia, purchased a surveillance system for his home. Working overtime so often motivated him to buy an on-premise security system that would give him the ability to view live footage of his property and pets even while he was at work. 

The Challenge 

While his on-premise security system provided the basics like 24/7 surveillance, he didn't anticipate how expensive the upkeep would be. Two failed hard drives cost him over a thousand dollars in replacement fees.  

The Solution 

After getting a recommendation from a fellow police officer, Ronald chose Alibi Cloud VS for two main reasons:

  • Alibi Witness mobile app. Ronald wanted to be able to access his security system at any time from anywhere easily. The Alibi Cloud VS mobile app allows him to watch live or recorded video from any mobile device and is super intuitive. He had four cloud-enabled cameras added to every critical area of his home. 

  • No on-premise equipment. Replacing an on-premise system with Cloud VS led to immediate savings. Because he no longer has to worry about failed hard drives, he’s automatically putting money back in his pocket. Because it’s all tied into a monthly subscription, he never again has to factor in hidden or unexpected costs. 

The Outcome 

With Cloud VS in place, Ronald now has a fully secure and super reliable video surveillance system. If an intruder enters his property, he’s able to capture trespasser activity and get instant alerts on his smartphone. Without on-premise equipment to manage, fix, or repair, Ronald now has the peace of mind that his system is always on and always recording. 


High Definition Cloud Cameras 

Camera Type

Cloud-Enabled Bullet Cameras 

Cameras per Location 


# of Locations



30 Days

Call (713) 570-6635