Invest In These Home Security Options If The Second Round Of COVID-19 Stimulus Goes Through

July 15th, 2020

It is still too early to tell, but there are indications that Americans could receive more stimulus payments to combat financial difficulties brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic. President Trump recently announced that he wants citizens to receive more than the $1,200 they got on the first go-around. Additionally, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, spoke of trying to get something done before the Senate leaves for recess in August. 

A lot of folks, including those right here in Kansas City, can certainly use the money. Although the unemployment level in the United States dropped a few percentage points in June, there are still tons of people without jobs. They need assistance paying for rent, buying groceries, and keeping their lights on. However, other residents are working and bringing home weekly paychecks. Hence, if the relief comes through, they have the luxury of being able to spend the funds on whatever they wish without hurting their budgets. 

Should MO homeowners happen to find themselves in the latter predicament, they should consider beefing up their home security if they haven’t already. Various products are available on the market today to help them accomplish just that. This article will now discuss several of them. Therefore, curious Kansas City residents should stick around to learn more. 

Don't Give Criminals Shadows To Hide In With Exterior Lighting

Darkness seems to bring out the worst in people. The majority of home burglaries happen during the daytime when family members are gone for the day, but that doesn't mean some thieves or other criminals won't wait to strike until they are under cover of darkness. Homeowners can ensure that their loved ones and neighbors are alerted to nighttime issues with motion-activated lights.

The devices turn on whenever they detect movement within a certain range. They shine brightly and illuminate yards, giving trespassers nowhere to hide. Exterior lighting may be just what you need to help your loved ones feel safe and secure. 

Keep Burglars At Bay With Surveillance Equipment

There has been a survey conducted with former career criminals revealing that nearly half of the participants were deterred at some point by CCTV systems. Many burglars will bypass targets altogether when cameras are visible. After all, they don't want to have their actions captured on video and take the chance of going to jail. So if your primary concern is keeping criminals away, security cameras are the perfect way to go.

Take Things A Bit Further With Home Automation

All sorts of gadgets and gizmos can be paired with home security systems today. Some of them include but are not limited to smart thermostats, light fixtures, appliances, and smoke detectors. These devices can usually be turned on and off or adjusted remotely from a smartphone. Surveillance cameras can be connected and operated in such a manner as well. Home automation can undoubtedly make homes safer, but it can also make the lives of consumers better. 

Are you looking for a way to spend your next stimulus check? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your home security options. 

Call (713) 570-6635